Friday, 1 April 2011

March Result:-$157 YTD:+$578

A tough month for sure. It took me the whole month to get my Maui game back together following a poor run of luck and a frustrating case of tilt. But I'm back ready to get my Maui Challenge back on track and looking forward to a new month. My aim for April is to play well, at above $1 per game for the month and win a second consolation bonus.
Kartajana         647$0.58  $5  10%$378  -N/AiPokerYear2011 SNG Only
From a more positive perspective I made an overall profit poker wise in March thanks to that good Pokerstars cash and probably paid $350 in fees during the month so all is not too bad. I also ended a session yesterday with three consecutive wins making me feel a jackpot success is not out of reach.
I can dream at least.

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