Monday, 1 August 2011

July Result: +$66, YTD: +$1726

A mediocre month at best on my Maui Challenge though I did manage to increase the overall volume of games played. A small direct Maui profit of $29 was boosted by rakeback and a couple of small freeroll cashes.
Kartajana         316$0.09  $5  2%$29  -N/AiPoker7/1/2011 7/31/2011 SNG Only
The reality is that my game is somewhat patchy and there are some decent regulars reducing my returns. The thing I must remember is the high fees and high variance of these Jackpot games which are structured to end in a series of coin flips and frustrating cold deck confrontations. I must keep focusing on making good decisions and not worry about luck based outcomes.
My aims for August include:
1.Finish and review Jared Tendlers book "The Mental Game of Poker"
2.Have a solid winning month including a consolation bonus win.
3.Find a good borderline decision hand history to look at.
 Good Luck

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