Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Back On Track In March With Consolation Win

March was a very good month poker wise and saw me very much back on track. It was the coldest March in my lifetime but poker wise I was pretty hot. I played entirely on Betfred focusing on the Maui Jackpot games and trying to pick up any freeroll cash and rakeback bonuses. My total profit for the month was $503 plus a Spurs shirt. Quality not quantity was the key as I probably played only fifty hours or so and just over two hundred Maui games. Overall very satisfying. My progress in the month looked like this:

Two key pleasing aspects where my mental game improvements and the success of winning a $200 consolation bonus. I continue to be more focused on my play and less affected by things out of my control. This is really transferring well to my results. The consolation win later in the month also gives me great encouragement. The sequence of first first second first second shows how close I came to five wins and a big jackpot. Two coin flips in the right direction was all I needed as I was in a position to win both the games I came second in. A very pleasing and positive month.
I will not be getting carried away though. There is still plenty of room for improvement. For one thing I remain stuck at the 13% win rate. Also my first two April poker sessions have been poor. My old friends tiredness, computer trouble and misfortune have been round to wish me Happy Easter and make me look an early April fool!

Good Luck

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